Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The Most Profound

The most profound radically scientific statement that it's possible to make, is infact, Gloria in Excelsus Deo. David R. Hawkins

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Truth Peace And Joy

The option for truth, peace, and joy is always available .. The inner truth reveals itself when all other options are surrendered to God. David R. Hawkins

This Moment

This moment is the only reality that is being experienced; all else is an abstraction and a mental construct. David R. Hawkins

Monday, 27 February 2012


It is important to realize this: that which is of God brings peace, and that which is not of God brings fear. David R. Hawkins

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Like Sunlight In The Forest

The infinite power of Divinty radiates down through the levels of consciousness like sunlight in the forest. It sustains all life. David R. Hawkins

Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Wisdom Of The Tao

Instead of resisting life, we go with life and surrender it to God. This is the wisdom of the Tao, which teaches that the willow bends with the wind .. David R. Hawkins

More Precious Than Jewels

The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels. Hazrat Inayat Khan

Peace Harmony And Love

All that is truly of God brings peace, harmony, and love and is devoid of all forms of negativity.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Only Your Beauty

When I look now I see only your beauty.

An Astonishing Well

You are an astonishing well of loveliness.

Simple Kindness

Simple kindness to one's self and others is the most powerful transformational force of all. David R. Hawkins

Benefits Unseen Multitudes

Every advance we make in our awareness benefits unseen multitudes and strengthens the next step for others to follow. David R. Hawkins

Preserved Forever

Every act of kindness is noticed by the universe and preserved forever. David R. Hawkins

Thursday, 23 February 2012


It's not what you're doing that makes you happy, but how present you are to what you're doing. Gina Lake

Enhancing The Acoustic Energy

Today you're enhancing the acoustic energy in your life. You listen for the wonderful sounds all around you - the birds, the breeze, and the rustling trees. You surround myself with pleasant music, and you talk in clear and confident tones. You're always willing to speak your truth. Sandra Anne Taylor

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

A School For Enlightenment

Presume that the worlds actual " purpose " is perfect and fully known only by God. It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity .. David R. Hawkins

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

You Are Blessed

You are blessed beyond belief.

My Beloved

I love being with my beloved.

Existence Is Self-Complete

Existence is self-complete and unconditional. Existence is solely by the grace of God, by Divine ordinance. David R. Hawkins

The Simplest Thing

The simplest thing is to give love. Just give love to objects, sensations, your own body, the trees, the clouds, thoughts, feeling - whatever your awareness lands on. Nirmala

Monday, 20 February 2012

Beautifully Photogenic

You are beautifully photogenic.

The Gift Of Life

In gratitude for the gift of life, one dedicates that life back as a gift to God through selfless service to His creation as all of life. David R. Hawkins

Filled With Love

We are filled with love when we give love to others, not when we receive it from others. Nirmala

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Give Love

The trick is to give love to whatever you are experiencing, even if it's a judgement or feeling of resistance. Nirmala


We influence others by what we are rather than by what we say or have. David R. Hawkins

Saturday, 18 February 2012

The Daughter Of A King

I am the daughter of a King, my Father now pours out his abundance upon me, I am the daughter of a King, everything makes way for me. Thanks to Florence Scovel Shinn

The Attributes Of Divinity

Spiritual commitment is energized by the alignment of the spiritual will with the attributes of Divinity, which are truth, love, compassion, wisdom and nonpartiality. David R. Hawkins

A Beautiful Man

You deserve this beautiful man who feels good and treats you so beautifully.

The Only Thing You Can Really Know

The only thing you can really know is what is true right now in this moment. Nirmala

The Source Of Knowing

The source of knowing is giving you everything you need to know right now. Nirmala

The Hearts Knowing

There is another kind of knowing which is much simpler and wiser, and that is the knowing of the moment - the Hearts knowing. There is a part of you that just knows. Nirmala

Treated Beautifully

I deserve to be treated beautifully.

Friday, 17 February 2012

I Know About Love

I know about love the way the fields know about light. Rabia and thanks to Martha Beck.

Touch The World With Love

I touch the world with love where-ever I go. With each breath, every glance, each rain drop is blessed, each step .. Thanks to Susan Jeffers

What Are The Blackcurrents My Lover Enjoys

What are the blackcurrents my lover enjoys and appreciates? What simple but not necessarily obvious things stir his heart and feed his notions of love? In matters of soul .. a well chosen word, an inspired gesture, a symbolic gift, as serious magicians over the centuries have taught, words and sometimes the mere sound of words have a powerful effect. This is certainly true of the magic needed to keep the soul in our marriages. Thomas Moore

Thursday, 16 February 2012

To Awaken

To awaken is not to fix or hold but to love whatever is here.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

A Sense Of Loving Presence

It is actually by giving love or approval that we are filled with a sense of loving presence, not by getting love or approval from others. True love is open acceptance or space and a fullness of attention or noticing. Nirmala

Divine Peace And Harmony

Divine peace and harmony surround me at all times. Louise Hay

Amazing Good Fortune

Now is the appointed hour. Today is the day of my amazing good fortune. Florence Scovel Shinn

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

All Suffering

All suffering is due to resisting God : Reality. Thanks to Byron Katie

Monday, 13 February 2012

The Presence Of God Is Peace

The ultimate awareness and knowingness in the Presence of God is Peace. That Peace proclaims infinite safety and preservation with infinite protection. No suffering is even possible. David R. Hawkins


You engage so beautifully with your beloved, your timing is sweet and astonishing.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Beautifully Nourish

I beautifully nourish the connection with my beloved.

To Truly Know Love

To truly know love is to understand God, and to know God is to understand love. David R. Hawkins

The Nature Of Love

To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know the nature of love itself. David R. Hawkins

Saturday, 11 February 2012

The Joy Of The Presence

There is absolutely nothing in human experience to compare with the joy of the Presence of Love of God. No sacrifice is too great, nor effort too much, in order to realize that Presence. David R. Hawkins

Cognitive Candy

All the evidence points in one direction: Physical activity is cognitive candy .. The Brain Rules

The Road To Success

The road to success is a straight and narrow path; it is a road of loving absorption, of undivided attention. Thanks to Florence Scovel Shinn

Wonderful Treats And Rewards

I give myself wonderful treats and rewards daily.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Something Big

Some people give up just before something big is coming to them. A beautiful, trusting, and successful woman never gives up. Thanks to Florence Scovel Shinn

The Delightful And Unexpected

The delightful and unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass. Thanks to Florence Scovel Shinn

To Show Up In Your Life

To show up in your life, you just have to pay attention to it. Just notice what is right now, without referring to the memory of it. Showing up is very simple - no preparation is needed and you can't get it wrong. Nirmala

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Most Precious Gift

Your life is the most precious gift you will ever be given. Sandra Anne Taylor


Awareness is aware that it is aware, to know God it is only necessary to fully comprehend that one exists. David R. Hawkins

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Turn only to love and to God as the source of life and joy. This choice is available in every instant. When finally chosen the reward is great. By invitation spiritual awareness illuminates the way. The key is willingness. David R. Hawkins

Divine Grace

The return of the ego to the nonduality of the spirit is so difficult and unlikely that only by Divine Grace is it even possible. David R. Hawkins

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Unexpected Good

The unexpected happens and my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass. Florence Scovel Shinn

The Most Important Person In The World

When I am in your presence, you are the most important person in the world to me.

The Woman Who Prays

The woman who prays will accomplish more in a year than another in a lifetime.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Collective Level Of Consciousness

We all float on the collective level of consciousness of mankind so that any increment we add comes back to us. David R. Hawkins

Interconnected Universe

In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in our private world improves the world at large for everyone. David R. Hawkins

True Happiness

True happiness is always in the "right now" of this moment. David R Hawkins

Saturday, 4 February 2012

A Beautiful Harmony

Infinite Spirit, may the intake, assimilation, and elimination be in a beautiful harmony.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Complete And Perfect

Everything merely exists as it was created - complete and perfect. Everything fulfills its purpose by merely being what it is. Everything is the fulfillment of its own essence and potentiality. The only " requirement " for anything that exists is to just be. David R. Hawkins

Deeply Trust

You deeply trust, loves unfolding, treasuring, each moments gifts.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

A Flow Of Love

we can shower whatever is in our sight with a flow of love through our eyes. Nirmala

The Inner Truth

The inner truth reveals itself when all other options are surrendered to God. David R. Hawkins

All Great Teachers

All Great Teachers proclaim the same truth for there is none other. David R. Hawkins

Divinity Reveals Itself

Divinity reveals Itself to those who call upon it in God's time. David R. Hawkins